Friday, November 16, 2012

Cloth Diapering 101 Quick Tip 1

For my first tip in cloth diapering 101, I would like to share how to prepare the diapers for the first use.  Just like if you were buying underwear for yourself, you would probably not just take a new pair out of the package and put it on before you washed it.  The same goes for a cloth diaper you put on your newborn.

Newborns have very sensiteve skin so it is important to wash the diapers before the first use.  To do this you will want to put them in your washer and be sure to use hot water and run them through a regular cycle. It's important to remember to use a detergent that is FREE from dies and perfumes. Then put then in the dryer on low or medium heat to dry. 

I found that it was good to wash and dry the a couple times before use because the heat from the water and dryer helped the diapers to shrink and fit the baby better.  You do NOT have to put detergent in every time when you are preparing them for the first use. If you do not there is a possibility they will leak and you don't want that, especially if you are just trying out cloth diapers for the first time. 

By doing this process it should  help the diapers to fit more snuggly and be safer on the babies skin because you have removed anything that may have gotten on them from the manufacturing or shipping process.

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