Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cloth Diapering 101

Today as I blog, I find myself wishing I would have saved all my small Cloth diapers instead of selling them off to a friend.  I didn't really plan on have any more children.  But God had other ideas.  I am expecting a little girl next month and now I am going to have to go back to looking at where to get some more small cloth diapers.

The good thing about it, is I have been through this once already and I know where to look and get the best deals.  I have found out that it's best to use online swap sites to find good deals if you don't mind buying used diapers. You can also go to stores that sell new one and ask if them have any used ones. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cloth Diapering 101 General Tips

I am in hopes that my cloth diapering 101 blog is of help to you.

There are many questions that arise when you first consider using cloth diapers.  For me some of those questions were, Where can I buy them?  How much does each one cost?  Which is the best kind to buy? Is it really going to save me money?  Are they convenient to use? How do you wash them? How to you dry them? Can my spouse change them too?

I just want you to know that there are all very normal questions and as I continue to blog I hope to answer all of these questions for you.

I want your cloth diapering experience to be as good and pleasant as mine has been.  I really enjoy using them and I enjoy knowing that I am saving money when I use them.

Please don't get overwhelmed with the thought of using cloth diapers.  If you are anything like I was, you remember what your mom or your grandma had to use years ago.  Cloth diapers are nothing like they were years ago.  They are much more advanced and easy to use now than back then.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cloth Diapering 101 Money Saver

As I continue with Cloth diapering 101, I would like to tell you how it has saved me money.

I Started out using disposible because alot of people had given many boxes of them.  And while I was using disposables I was saving up my money to buy cloth diapers.  I had to buy about 12-15 diapers to make sure I had enough.  I have to wash them every other day.

I do still use a disposable diaper at night, because I never bought any of the overnight cloth diapers.  But it is a money saver.  When I use cloth diapers during the day, I save about $10-15 a week.  When my son was younger I probably saved even more than that bacause he used more diapers a day.

It is really nice to have cloth diapers at home that I can use, because if I do run out of disposables I can always use the cloth diapers and don't have to worry about coming up with the $20 it cost to go out and buy a box of disposables.